Kylie Blue Sky


For months I’ve been stumped on what to do and what to get for my beautiful wife Kylie on her 40th birthday.

Even as I recovered and rehabilitated my arm 7 months ago, this day puzzled and trouble me, I was stumped.

But then, only a few weeks ago it dawned on me that I could give her something that was standing in right in front of me that was so unique and incredibly personal.

My words. 

Memorialised and meaningful, for my wife on her birthday.


A life lived without faith is devoid of adventure and the thrill of being alive.

Recounting the last two decades, our life hasn’t been a scripted story.

There have been numerous surprises, wonderful open doors and life-changing opportunities that have emerged.

The one thing that I know is that the journey of our lives together has been made sweeter because we’ve faced the world side by side.

Whilst many may see the outside mundanity of our daily schedule, buried deep within it is our great love story that continues to be written, bringing surprise and delight to us both.

The one thing that we’ve shared in amongst all our differences has always been big blue sky thinking.

A blue sky is endless possibilities.

A blue sky is optimism despite the temperature of what we are facing in life.

A blue sky leaves every room, every interaction and every person, better than when she found them.

A blue sky is what I look forward to seeing every day, no matter where I’ve been and what I’ve seen, a blue sky is the beauty in my life.

Kylie you are my blue sky.

Six months into our relationship, we held hands in Fremantle and over dinner, we both said “we found the one” and that we would make this last for a lifetime.

Blue sky

When I told you about my dream of becoming a doctor, despite my past and my insecurities, you believed in me and saw me working to solve problems and relieve suffering.

Blue sky

The three boys we’ve held in our arms are our legacy. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, we are blessed to raise them in our youth and share in their joy.

Blue sky

You saw the value of saying “yes” when I asked you to marry me. I found a wise wife, the most important person to share my life with, a great blessing from the Lord.

Big blue sky.


You’ve known me as a wild and immature teenager and an unsure and insecure young man to now as a doctor, father, and your ever-maturing husband.

You know me so well and I love your counsel.

You moved across the country to be with me, risking your comfort and leaving your family and your friends to take a chance on a young medical student.

You are loyal and a woman of integrity.

Our blue sky of an adventurous life, passionate marriage, beautiful children and serving a purpose greater than ourselves continues to unfold.

I love our life together, it is the greatest blessing and our ultimate success.

You are my blue sky because you continue to dream big with me.

The limit to the possibilities is how far we dare to dream.

We both deeply believe that our God will exceed our expectations as we trust him and step forward in faith.

The best is yet to come.

From that Wednesday night that I turned on my computer in 1999 to the kiss you gave me this morning before you left, you are my most significant treasure on this earth.

To death do us apart.

Please continue to dream with me.

You are my Kylie Blue Sky.

Happy Birthday!

Love always,


5 comments on “Kylie Blue Sky”

    1. Thank you Jas. Thank you for taking the time to read this piece and congratulations on launching your new blog!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure and thank you! You inspired me to do this some time ago so it has been a long time coming! Any and all tips welcome, and I look forward to reading more of your posts


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