Category: personal development

Why I stopped using the word “just” and why the #justaGP narrative has to stop

There are a few words and phrases that I do not use.

The large majority of them include offensive slang, derogatory names, words and phrases that simply bring down the conversation that I am having to the lowest levels of respectability.

But there is one word that is innocuous and hides in plain sight which dismisses, diminishes and reduces whatever it is connected to. 

And that word is “just”.

Dark days in Palliative Care  – The importance of intentional self-care

I love my job as a Palliative Care doctor. There is nothing that I look forward to more on a Monday morning than meeting with our team, solving problems and helping to relieve suffering in our patients and their families. It compels me out of bed early and is the only job that I see

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The year of courage, faith, and adventure

One year ago I had an accident which abruptly halted my life. In reflection, it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Pre-MRI. Ruptured biceps tendon on my left arm — November 2017 Day 1 post op. Ready to start my rehab…also, I don’t fancy strong opiates (too much clean living) 28/11/17.

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The power and purpose of failure

Summary: Failure can be a powerful catalyst for self-examination and feedback on your life. In the right hands with the right mindset, failure can be a powerful catalyst to personal growth. Take home message: The purpose of failure is feedback. The power of failure is unlimited. Key beneficiaries: Those willing to step outside their comfort zone

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How to be a standout health professional in the current aged care landscape

“Jonathan, there is a phone call for you” my wife called out from the kitchen. It was 9pm and Jenny, one of senior registrered nurses from the nursing home was on the line. “I think Howard’s declining quickly Jonathan, the carers have just taken him back to bed and they’ve said that he’s had trouble

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How to use your words to powerfully give hope

A few months ago, I made a patient cry. His body shook as tears ran down his face, faster than he could wipe them away. I had told him the truth. It wasn’t what he had expected to hear from his doctor, nor was it something that he had ever heard from anyone else. It had

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36 thoughts on my 36th birthday

These are my reflections, predictions, deepest desires and thoughts on my 36th birthday. 1) As I grow older, the worries can mount and the joy can be eroded and the excitement fade BUT my God, my Jesus and my saviour fills me with his spirit daily and I am growing deeper in love with him.

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How to SNAP in to 2016 with better habits

Entering the new year brings excitement and promise for the 12 months ahead and most people enjoy reflection on the year that was and cannot wait to embark on attaining new habits and leaving old ones behind. As a GP I often deal with specific diseases but overwhelmingly, I am involved in the business of

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The most popular posts on theHealthyGP in 2015

What a brilliant year! I’ve wondered why my wife and I were so tired towards the end of year and realised a great deal had happened! We are enjoying a break in warm Perth at the moment, reflecting on the year that was and preparing to tackle 2016. These posts below were the most read

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