Category: Jonathan Ramachenderan

How to pass the ANZCA Faculty of Pain Medicine Fellowship Exam — A personal reflection

I had one goal in 2023. To pass the Faculty of Pain Medicine Fellowship exam. And thus, I took this task seriously. How could I not?  We’d made the big move from Albany to Perth as a family and I tell you that it wasn’t easy.  Our idyllic, peaceful and comfortable life changed in an

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The moments that lie between medicine are a matter of life and death — a reflection on suicide, self-care and clinical life

Our moments between medicine and life are where the real impact of clinical medicine is experienced – this is why our moments between matter. These moments are ours to practice self-awareness in practising self-care.

Making mistakes in medicine — Why my faith and integrity mattered

About a year ago, I made a mistake at work. As a result, there was harm done to my patient. This was the first time in my medical career that I’d ever made a significant mistake before.  It was purely human error. My mistake was amenable to treatment and it was corrected rapidly. And at

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Voluntary assisted dying in Western Australia — How I struggled, finding meaning and a path forward

Voluntary assisted dying became legal in Western Australia on July 1st 2021. For many this was welcomed but for others with a conscientious objection, it was challenging. This is a story of my struggle, finding meaning and a way forward.

A doctor’s most powerful tool

A doctor’s most powerful tool The most powerful way a doctor can help their patient is to listen.  By far, listening is the greatest portion of the value of any consultation.  Whatever the monetary value, even for a procedure, the greatest portion of the value is a doctor’s listening ear. Feeling heard and understood is at

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My truth about General Practice: Why it’s central, why I left and finding a calling…

What is the truth about General Practice? The truth about General Practice is that it is challenging. The end. Ha! Now that would be too easy and tremendously disrespectful to my General Practice colleagues. So, what is it that makes General Practice challenging? But firstly and most importantly, what makes General Practice such a rewarding

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