Category: life

2021 in short — Our faith grew, what a year!

2021 has been a year like no other!

Personally, I have not ever experienced a year which has produced such a wide range of emotions through the events that have occurred this year.

For both good and bad, we as a family have truly lived this year.

It’s not you, it’s them: 400 words at 39 years

I’m surprised at 39 years old that vindication doesn’t taste as sweet as courage. That is because in the moment that you choose courage instead of inaction, hope instead of despair and wisdom instead of foolish revenge is the moment that you become one of the greats. And if and when vindication occurs, your wisdom

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Rest - the foundation of intentional self-care

Why do we fill our lives with endless activity which doesn’t actually matter in the end? Who are we trying to please and what are we actually trying to do? Why do we sacrifice our health and our best years at the altar of work and not chase after our own dreams and found passions?

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Never underestimate your presence at church

Your presence is important to God. Never underestimate the power that your presence has at Church. Your face, your smile. The position you are sitting in. The people whom you will talk to. The hugs that you will give and the hands that you will shake. The words of encouragement that you will speak to those

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How do we live fully?

“How do we live fully so we are fully ready to die?” Ann Voskamp — One Thousand Gifts pg 29 This one sentence has echoed through my mind since I read it a few months ago. It is utterly amazing in the way revelation hits you at the right moment and this one thought has had a profound effect

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