Category: encouragement

Why I stopped using the word “just” and why the #justaGP narrative has to stop

There are a few words and phrases that I do not use.

The large majority of them include offensive slang, derogatory names, words and phrases that simply bring down the conversation that I am having to the lowest levels of respectability.

But there is one word that is innocuous and hides in plain sight which dismisses, diminishes and reduces whatever it is connected to. 

And that word is “just”.

2019 in words – An encouragement, a reflection and an essay on grace

It is Christmas eve and I’m starting my reflection as I watch my younger two sons play. Usually, by this time, my goals and strategy for the year ahead are usually being prayed about and put unto paper but this time it is a little different. I am the midst of life-changing internal work. I

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The year of courage, faith, and adventure

One year ago I had an accident which abruptly halted my life. In reflection, it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Pre-MRI. Ruptured biceps tendon on my left arm — November 2017 Day 1 post op. Ready to start my rehab…also, I don’t fancy strong opiates (too much clean living) 28/11/17.

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Never underestimate your presence at church

Your presence is important to God. Never underestimate the power that your presence has at Church. Your face, your smile. The position you are sitting in. The people whom you will talk to. The hugs that you will give and the hands that you will shake. The words of encouragement that you will speak to those

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They call me Dad

The midwives called me Dad for the first time, when caked in vernix and crying because his safe haven had been so abruptly removed, I cut my son Samuel’s umbilical cord, welcoming him into the world. I tentatively called myself a Dad, when Samuel cried uncontrollably in the middle night, I stood helpless, not knowing

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What are men thinking and hoping for?

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash It was the end of a long day of operating and we’d finished more cases than we’d set out to complete. Drearily my eyes looked across the operating room and caught Steven’s gaze, as he longingly studied the clock. It was nearly home time. “So what are you eating tonight?”

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How to use your words to powerfully give hope

A few months ago, I made a patient cry. His body shook as tears ran down his face, faster than he could wipe them away. I had told him the truth. It wasn’t what he had expected to hear from his doctor, nor was it something that he had ever heard from anyone else. It had

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