Tag: palliative care

Voluntary assisted dying in Western Australia — How I struggled, finding meaning and a path forward

Voluntary assisted dying became legal in Western Australia on July 1st 2021. For many this was welcomed but for others with a conscientious objection, it was challenging. This is a story of my struggle, finding meaning and a way forward.

2021 in short — Our faith grew, what a year!

2021 has been a year like no other!

Personally, I have not ever experienced a year which has produced such a wide range of emotions through the events that have occurred this year.

For both good and bad, we as a family have truly lived this year.

A doctor’s most powerful tool

A doctor’s most powerful tool The most powerful way a doctor can help their patient is to listen.  By far, listening is the greatest portion of the value of any consultation.  Whatever the monetary value, even for a procedure, the greatest portion of the value is a doctor’s listening ear. Feeling heard and understood is at

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Voluntary Assisted Dying and Palliative Care — A personal reflection on faith, doctoring and a path forward

In July 2021 Voluntary Assisted Dying will be available in Western Australia.
As a Palliative Care doctor I have thought deeply about how I will continue to work and serve here as Christian and conscientious objector.
This is a reflection on doctoring, faith and a way forward.