Tag: medicine

How to pass the ANZCA Faculty of Pain Medicine Fellowship Exam — A personal reflection

I had one goal in 2023. To pass the Faculty of Pain Medicine Fellowship exam. And thus, I took this task seriously. How could I not?  We’d made the big move from Albany to Perth as a family and I tell you that it wasn’t easy.  Our idyllic, peaceful and comfortable life changed in an

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Making a marriage work in Medicine — an epic reflection

 Making Marriage work in Medicine — an epic reflection 19 years and counting. Kylie and I are standing on the grand precipice of being married for twenty years. Twenty years of marriage has special significance to Kylie and me not simply because of this being a significant milestone but because interestingly it is related to our journey

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We cannot care for others if our health system does not care about us — Solutions for our future

Our health system can work against our own personal self-care.  I’ve written about this previously In fact, our health system can be a significant contributor that works against our own personal health and psychological well-being. This isn’t because our system is uncaring or faceless or lacks purpose but rather it has been driven towards the

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The moments that lie between medicine are a matter of life and death — a reflection on suicide, self-care and clinical life

Our moments between medicine and life are where the real impact of clinical medicine is experienced – this is why our moments between matter. These moments are ours to practice self-awareness in practising self-care.

What pushes doctors to the edge? How our health system works against our own self-care.

“We never know what pushes doctors over the edge but having gone through this and feeling this way, I can see that our system is certainly a contributor. SincerelyJonathan This is how I recently signed off an email to a medical administrator. I was frustrated and feeling worse for wear. I was glad that I

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Making mistakes in medicine — Why my faith and integrity mattered

About a year ago, I made a mistake at work. As a result, there was harm done to my patient. This was the first time in my medical career that I’d ever made a significant mistake before.  It was purely human error. My mistake was amenable to treatment and it was corrected rapidly. And at

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Voluntary assisted dying in Western Australia — How I struggled, finding meaning and a path forward

Voluntary assisted dying became legal in Western Australia on July 1st 2021. For many this was welcomed but for others with a conscientious objection, it was challenging. This is a story of my struggle, finding meaning and a way forward.

2021 in short — Our faith grew, what a year!

2021 has been a year like no other!

Personally, I have not ever experienced a year which has produced such a wide range of emotions through the events that have occurred this year.

For both good and bad, we as a family have truly lived this year.